In the News: October 13, 2014

October 9, 2014,
Oregon districts set own guidelines for checks of equipment. Two Washington state districts have removed swings.


October 8, 2014, GMT eNews Park Forest
Schakowsky,Waxman praise move by agency. Voluntary standards call “tragically inadequate.”


October 7, 2014,
Cable makers group criticizes states and territories for “fragmented and uncooperative” response.


October 3, 2014,
Retailer fines for “knowingly” selling recalled items includes compliance plans in agreement negotiations.


October 9, 2014, GMT Continuity Central
Failure traced to lack of understanding human behavior and little trust.


October 9, 2014,  Hearst Electronic Products
CENELEC has accepted IED 62368-1 as mandatory for CE marking of low voltage equipment.
Posted in Chemical Hazards, Children's Products, Global Developments, Innovation, Organizational Development, Product Liability, Product Safety Rules, Product Standards, Risk Assessment, Supply Chain