In the News: April 13, 2015

CPSC Investigation: Why so Many Dangerous Products are for Sale
April 7, 2015, CBS
A Bloomberg report on a current CPSC investigation of retailers cites Dollar Tree, Target, and Zulily for high number of “product safety incidents” since 2009. Excessive lead, excessive phthalates, and small parts are among violations frequently reported.

High-Power Magnets Get Temporary Reprieve From Safety Rules
April 3, 2015, The New York Times
Federal appeals court temporarily halts new safety rules for high power magnets.  Seen as “setback” for regulators. CPSC Chairman Kaye hopes court will uphold the commission’s “proper exercise of authority and will quickly agree that the safety of children comes first.”

Amazon Files Lawsuit Against Fake Review Providers
April 10, 2015, Engadget
E-commerce giant files suit against operators of websites that peddle product reviews, including one named “” Sources say copyright infringement is basis for charge.

Colorado Senate Debates Homebuilder Liability Bills
April 10, 2015, SFGate
Supporters say the bills would “boost construction and address Colorado’s shortage of affordable housing.”  Opponents say they are “too favorable to builders and developers and would strip consumer protections.”

 How Wearable Devices Are Disrupting the Insurance Industry
April 9, 2015, Claims Journal
Devises to capture data are increasing in consumer usage, including video and audio that can provide data on habits and behaviors. More insurers are seeing advantages in receiving this data including marketing, underwriting risk management, and processing claims related to personal and worker injuries.

California AG Initiates Supply Chain Act Disclosure Review; Enforcement Actions Likely to Follow
April 9, 2015, Lexology
Campaign to notify companies of obligation to comply with state’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. While self-reporting on compliance is voluntary, authors note expectation is that AG will focus investigations on non-responders and those companies that are noncompliant.

ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations : Apparel, Footwear Entrepreneurs Eye Global Supply Chain
April 7, 2015, 4-Traders
Experts from multi-national companies explain how entrepreneurs from small to medium size firms can integrate into the global supply chain and be more competitive in garment and footwear sectors. Goal is to help these firms understand increased consumer demands for quality, design, and safety.

Private Eyes in the Grocery Aisles
April 4, 2015, The New York Times
The Institute for Environmental Health tests goods on retailers’ shelves for quality and safety to see if products live up to claims on labels. Suppliers, manufacturers, and markets use their services provided by 1,500 people in 116 labs in the U.S. and E.U. testing for inadvertent contamination or deliberate fraud.

The Nuts-for-Spices Crisis: How a Complex Supply Chain Makes Tracing Dodgy Food Difficult
April 11, 2015, The Independent
Simple to find the source of undeclared nuts that are contaminating products now being recalled from supermarket shelves? Not really. The global trail that transports cumin and paprika is so labyrinthine that it’s difficult to solve.

With FB & Twitter, Public Shaming Gets a Makeover; but Roasting on Social Media can have Dramatic Impact
April 5, 2015, Times of India
How quickly can word spread around the globe on a brand’s mishap?  Tweets, retweets, and a few bloggers’ mentions can reach millions of consumers within hour.  Public shaming is the new reality in the social media town square gathering.







Posted in Chemical Hazards, Children's Products, Food Safety, Global Developments, Innovation, Organizational Development, Product Liability, Product Safety Rules, Product Standards, Risk Assessment, Supply Chain