In the News: June 3, 2019

CPSC: Decisional Meeting: Fiscal 2019 mid-year review (Video)
May 22, 2019,
Acting chair Ann-Marie Buerkle convenes the mid-year FY 2019 proposal review and consideration of amendments. Each Commissioner has their own ideas about projects that should be considered going forward, and shares some of these ideas in this decisional meeting that is open to the public.

Huawei’s CEO talks Trump, Apple, and whether his company can still survive
May 27, 2019, Forbes
At the end of a hellish week for Huawei, founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei was part defiant and part humble in an interview with Bloomberg that was released. Ren went further than before in admitting that U.S. sanctions against his company have bitten hard, with core parts of his company’s supply chain withdrawing support for new products and devices.

Safety in the Storm: CPSC Life-Saving Tips on Surviving the 2019 Hurricane Season
May 31,
June 1 marks the start of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) wants to remind everyone to be informed, be prepared and be safe.

How Mexico tariffs could hurt $600 billion in cross-border trade and the U.S. Economy
May 31, 2019, Market Watch
The U.S. economy could suffer a wrenching blow, business leaders and economists say, if President Trump follows through on his threat to slap tariffs on all imports from Mexico in a dispute over immigration controls. The president said he would apply a 5% tariff on $350 billion in imports from Mexico unless the country reduces the flow of immigrants seeking to enter the United States.

Joint Statement Of Commissioners Feldman and Baiocco on the CPSC’S Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Budget Request
March 13, 2019,
The Commission’s Republican members say that the proposed budget leaves in place a significant gap with respect to agency expertise on new and emerging technologies and data science.  To address these challenges, they jointly introduced a budget-neutral amendment to include two full time equivalents in the form of a Chief Technologist and a Chief Data Officer.

Dissenting opinion of Commissioners Adler and Kaye on motion to add a project on children’s furniture tip over to FY 2020 Performance Budget Request to Congress
March 20, 2019
The Commission’s Democratic members proposed an amendment to the FY 2020 Budget Request to Congress that would have added the drafting of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) for Children’s Clothing Storage Units (CSU). They express their disappointment that the Commission, by a vote of 3-2, opposed their amendment and explain their reasons for proposing the amendment.

CPSC: Commissioner Elliot Kaye on Health Canada’s Window Covering Regulations
May 1, 2019,
Commissioner Kaye notes that after an extensive risk assessment and rigorous public consultation, the Government of Canada published updated Corded Window Coverings Regulations to address the risk of strangulation from corded window coverings. These updated regulations address the strangulation hazard from all types of corded window covering products, including custom products, and go beyond the voluntary standards applied in the United States, earning the Commissioner’s praise.

Chemicals in Consumer Goods Are Seen Escaping Safety Checks
May 21, 2019, Claims Journal
European consumers could be at risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals in products like clothes and cosmetics because safety rules aren’t being properly enforced, according to a German environmental lobby.Potentially harmful chemicals including dibutyl phthalate found in toys and methyl acetate used in footwear are widely sold to manufacturers of household goods without having been properly vetted, BUND said in a study  just published.

Wisconsin legislators look to address toxic chemicals
May 30, 3029, Public News Service
Firefighting foam often contains chemicals known as polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which can be found in a wide range of products, from nonstick cookware to fast-food wrappers.
However, recent studies suggest that exposure to PFAS can inhibit female fertility, lower birth weights, and increase the risk of hypertension in pregnant women. Research also shows the chemicals can linger in the environment long after their initial use.

Electric scooter safety issues as more people ride in Washington, DC
May 30, 2019, US News & World Report
It’s becoming easier to get around the nation’s capital with more electric scooters and bikes on the streets, but one expert says her hospital is also experiencing a rise in scooter-related injuries, possibly because people don’t know how to safely operate them. In December, Washington, D.C.’s Department of Transportation announced plans to expand the number of “equitable transportation options” in 2019 by permitting 10 electric bicycle and scooter companies to operate in the District.

Nashville scooter debate: Who is actually responsible for enforcing the rules?
May 29, 2019, Tennessean
At a community meeting focused on electric scooters in July 2018, residents zeroed in on what they saw as the biggest challenge surrounding the two-wheeled devices: How would scooter rules be enforced? How many officers would be dedicated to scooter enforcement?  Now, following the recent death of a scooter rider, the subject is back in the spotlight.


Posted in Chemical Hazards, Children's Products, Global Developments, Innovation, Organizational Development, Product Liability, Product Safety Rules, Product Standards, Risk Assessment, Supply Chain